LT William Clark, Commanding
The Kentucky Division of the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps is sponsored by our great friends at the Central Kentucky Council of the Navy League of the United States.
Kentucky Division & USNSCC News
Action Letter 06-17
Implementation of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Code of Conduct
NSCC, 28 NOV 17
Cadets, with this letter, National Headquarters is issuing the first-ever U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Code of Conduct. Please read this. After you do, we hope you’ll agree that this is a great tool to use in guiding your actions in and out of the USNSCC.
You proudly serve in the USNSCC, and all of us at NHQ are proud of you. This Cadet Code of Conduct is something we developed to showcase the many positive traits you demonstrate every time you put on your cadet uniform: enthusiasm, leadership, hard work, patriotism, and a commitment to an inclusive and welcoming program. The Code of Conduct is meant to inspire you – our Sea Cadets and League Cadets – to challenge yourself, to reflect on the program’s expectations of you, and (most importantly) to strengthen your determination to become a leader of character.
One thing you’ll notice when you read the Code of Conduct is that we incorporated the Sea Cadet Oath into it. The Oath is something every one of you should know, because you took the Oath when you joined the USNSCC. Tens of thousands of cadets who went before you took the Oath too, and those words have meaning. You raised your right hand and, in front of your entire unit, you promised to serve faithfully, honor our flag, abide by USNSCC Regulations, obey the orders of the officers appointed over you, and
conduct yourself in a way that brings credit upon yourself, the USNSCC, the Navy, and our country. We hope this new Code of Conduct will help you reflect on what those promises mean, and help you fulfill them, too.
Click on the images to access the documents.
Kentucky Colonels Grant Awarded to Kentucky Division, NSCC
LTJG Montgomery, SEP 2017
Kentucky Division received a grant from The Kentucky Colonels on September 1, in the amount of $1233.00 to purchase uniforms for 12 cadets. The staff, cadets and parents of the Kentucky Division would like to express a huge THANK YOU to the Kentucky Colonels for their generosity in supporting our cadets as they train to make a difference in their communities and beyond.
The Kentucky Colonels is an organization of talented and capable men and women appointed by the Governor because of their citizenship and service. Their primary objective is to support Kentucky organizations who stand ready to help our citizens everywhere.
The Kentucky Colonels, through their Good Works Program,
distributed $1.5 million to support 171 worthy causes this year,
which will impact over 3 million people across the state.
2017 Summer Trainings
ENS Clark, 01 OCT 17
7 staff members attended or served as COTC, OIC, or escort officer - 89 days of training
21 cadets completed 331 days of training
total number of training days completed... 420 ! ! ! !
Information Letter 02-17 // NSCC Scholarship Application Instructions
NSCC, 26 JAN 17
Click on the image to open NSCC INformation Letter 02-17 for more information about the 2016 Scholarship Opportunities.
Kentucky Division Cadets Support Air Force ROTC POW/MIA Run
ENS Clark, 14 NOV 16
Cadets from Kentucky Division joined numerous organizations Saturday November 12th in support of the 290th Cadet Wing of the University of Kentucky Air Force ROTC 29 mile POW/MIA Remembrance Run.
Former Kentucky Division Cadet Graduates from Navy Bootcamp
ENS Clark, OCT 16
Bravo Zulu to Recruit Obadiah McCray for graduating from Great Lakes Bootcamp. Stayed tuned for more updates.
HOOYAH McCray from the Kentucky Division cadets and staff.
Former Kentucky Division Cadet Graduates from Navy Bootcamp
ENS Clark, 19 SEP 16
Bravo Zulu to Recruit Tyler Wilson for graduating from Great Lakes Bootcamp on 16 SEP 2016. SN Wilson now moves on to Hospital Corpsman A School. Stayed tuned for more updates.
HOOYAH Wilson from the Kentucky Division cadets and staff.
2016 Summer Trainings
ENS Clark, 01 SEP 16
3 staff members served as escort officers to help make trainings possible
2 staff members completed staff training
3 cadets staffed trainings
7 cadets completed recruit training
20 cadets completed various advanced trainings
total number of training days completed... 396 ! ! ! !
(this total does not include the numerous trainings staffed by SLT Ratten, NZCF)
Kentucky Division Staff, 01 AUG 16
Go to
Click the "Sign In" at top of the page and enter your info
From the SAVE menu, click Community Rewards
then, log into your Kroger Account
a. Find Organization (Search by keyword or nonprofit organization number - NPO #) "KY Division Sea Cadets 051KTY" "DX015"
b. Select Organization (Click the button to the left of the organization)
c. Save your Selection (Click the Save button to save your selection.)
or call 1-800-KROGERS, Option #3, with questions or for assistance.
Kentucky Division Staff, 20 JUL 16
Email your decoded message to
June Issue of Sea Cadet Quarterly
Check out the June issue of Sea Cadet Quarterly here:
In this issue:
- Sea Cadets ask NASA about aliens and space travel
- Graduating cadets tell us what's next
- Our CyberPatriot national champions talk about their big win
Thank you to everyone who submitted stories and photos.
Articles and photos for the September issue are due by August 16. The September issue will focus on your summer training experiences. Please send questions and submissions to
Happy Training!
Kate McIlvaine
Director of Communications
U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps
Instagram: officialusnscc
The deadline for submitting an application is January 31, 2017.
Application and details at the link:
The Coast Guard Academy has extended a special opportunity for six cadets to sail and train aboard USCGC Barque EAGLE.
Six slots available to male and female cadets for a one week training event aboard the USCGC Barque EAGLE
Training schedule includes one week underway aboard Barque Eagle from New York City to New London, CT
Training environment includes all aspects of sailing ship handling and teamwork
Successful applicants will train alongside Coast Guard Academy Cadets
Applicants must possess a strong interest in attending the USGC Academy or a Maritime Service Academy
Applications will be reviewed by the IEP selection committee
Successful candidates will report aboard Barque Eagle in New York City on August 6 and depart EAGLE in New London, CT on August 13
--Applications due 27 May 2016
--Cadet must be minimum age 16
--Must be PO2 or higher
Interested cadets should contact your Unit CO.
Kentucky Division Drill Weekend
INST Clark, 21 MAR 16
The Kentucky Division made great use of another drill weekend. We completed our annual inspection first thing Saturday morning. The Cadets received drug awareness training from Officer Towery with the Lexington Police Department. Instructor Wright provided another installment of his survival skills course. Sunday was a great day of training at KRAV MAGA Kentucky. The Cadets learned pratical self defense skills with a great group of instructors.
2016 International Exchange Opportunities
This is a follow-up to Information Letter 02-16 International and US Hosted Exchange Programs. Attached find the country notices for: (click on the country name to open a document of specific details)
Returning to list of opportunities this year is India. This program will be held in October. The Sea Cadet Corps India will conduct the INTERNATIONAL SEA CADET ASSOCIATION REGATTA 2016. Check out the attached for details.
The exchanges will be available for view on the IEP website at All questions regarding the exchange programs can be addressed by emailing LCDR Campbell at
2016 Scholarship Opportunities
Click on the image to open NSCC INformation Letter 06-16 for more information about the 2016 Scholarship Opportunities.
Kentucky Division Drill Weekend
INST Clark, 15 FEB 16
The Kentucky Division completed another great weekend of activities. Cadets spent time learning some first aid procedures, tying knots, and an intro to survival class. Teams have been practicing semaphore and color guard drill in preparation for an upcoming competition which also includes an endurance team that has been doing physical conditioning to get ready.
We also spent some time helping Military-Missions sort a bunch of stuff in preparation for packing care packages to be sent to deployed troops for Easter. Check out their website:
This group is doing some really great work to support our deployed troops. They are always taking donations of items for the care packages and monetary donations to cover the postage. Over 6000 packages were sent last year. Donated items not suitable for the care packages get distributed locally to support veterans. The Kentucky Division staff and cadets look forward to working with this group in the future.
2016 Academy Programs
Click on the image to open a new page for more information about the 2016 Academy Programs.
This message is a friendly reminder to encourage your cadets to consider applying to the programs offered by our nation's service academies.
You can find application information here:
In many instances, we can provide tuition reimbursement upon successful completion. These programs are an excellent pathway for our cadets who are exploring the service academy option and for cadets looking for an extra challenge.
Kentucky Division Awards Banquet
LTjg Montgomery, 13 DEC 15
The Kentucky Division celebrated the completion of another great year of hard work with friends and family at our annual awards banquet.
Kentucky Division Drill Weekend
LTjg Montgomery, 21 SEP 15
The Kentucky Division cadets participated in some clean-up work at the Active Heroes Retreat. The cadets spent several hours helping make this a welcoming place for service members and veterans.
The cadets helped remove a lot of old buidling material and trash to clear space in preparation for new structures that are to be contructed on the site in the near future.
The cadets then set up camp at the Harry S Frazier Scout Reservation. They learned how to cook foil pack meals and spent the evening learning about and conducting some 'night ops'. The cadets were also given the opportunity to shoot 22 rifle and 12 gauge shotgun during this drill weekend.
Everyone had a fun/safe weekend providing service to others, learning new things and getting to know each other. A huge thank you to the NRA instructors that took time out of their weekend to provide instruction and coaching to our cadets. Also a huge thank you goes out to the BSA Lincoln Heritage Council for their helpful staff and for allowing us access to their great facilities.
Today is the 53rd Birthday of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps
10 SEP 15
Fifty-three years ago today, the 87th Congress approved and signed into law our organization, the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps. We were created to encourage and "aid American boys to develop an interest and skill in basic seamanship…” We have come a long way since September 10, 1962, and yet we still hold true to the values that form our foundation.
We continue to fulfill the original charter around which our organization functions, but the truth is, we do so much more. We are an organization that empowers young men and women to choose from a diverse catalogue of training options – both at home and abroad – so that they may pursue an adventure of a lifetime. We are an organization that emboldens cadets to try new and challenging things so that they may test their limits and discover early on in their lives that there aren’t any. We are an organization that, for the past 53 years, has guided and inspired cadets to chart their course in pursuit of their goals. Whether those aspirations led them to a cockpit, a Coast Guard cutter or a classroom, what began on paper in 1962 has resulted in the realization of thousands of dreams.
Today, in honor of our birthday, we encourage our current cadets to continue their work as leaders and to always strive for more. We thank our volunteers – past and present – for the incredible contributions and sacrifices they have made in order to touch as many lives as possible. And finally, we thank all of our supporters for believing in our mission and in the dreams of our cadets.
All the Best,
Jim Monahan
Captain, U.S. Navy (Ret)
Executive Director
Kentucky Division Color Guard
LTjg Montgomery, 15 AUG 15
The Color Guard from Kentucky Division posted & retired the colors at the WWII Submarine, USS Pompano SS-181 Memorial Service in Frankfort, KY.
The Kentuckiana Subvets plans to install an inscribed walkway at the USS Pompano Memorial. It would be for those Kentuckiana sailors who have given the ulimate sacrifice. The initial 39 pavers would be for those submariners native to the Commonwealth of Kentucky and who were lost with their submarine while on patrol during World War II.
2015 Summer Trainings
Inst. Clark, 15 AUG 15
The Sea Cadets and Staff from Kentucky Division have been very busy this summer. Cadets Ballinger, Clark, Enz, Gray, Kim, Slone, and Sullivan all completed NSCC Recruit Training. Cadet Montgomery BI completed NLCC Orientation. Cadets Harris (Staff), Jenkins J (Staff) x 2, Jenkins RT (Staff), Montgomery BR (Staff), McCray, Montgomery BR, Slone, and Wilson completed various advanced trainings. That is a combined total of 123 days of training. 'Staff' after their name indicates that they served as staff cadets for the training they attended.
INST Ballinger, INST Clark, INST Didelot, and INST Tuttle completed 48 hours of Officer Professional Development courses. LTjg Montgomery, INST Ballinger, and INST Clark volunteered as escort officers for trainings in Wisconsin, New Jersey, and Tennessee. That is a total of 28 days that your staff gave up from their summer to make our unit better and help make the advanced trainings possible for all Sea Cadets.
Atterbury Combined Training
Inst. Clark, June 5-6
The Sea Cadets from Kentucky Division joined 4 other units at Camp Atterbury this past weekend for 2 days of training. The Cadets got to experience some of the same great training as our active & reserve military. Lots of great pictures were taken by the host command. Those will be posted soon. Kentucky Division Cadets participated in rappelling from a training tower and 2 of our cadets provided training to the group on tying a swiss seat. The Cadets were placed into groups and tasked with negotiating the leadership reaction course, which got interupted. The staff turned that interuption into another learning experience and the Cadets got an up close briefing on one of the Army's newest helicopters, the UH-72A Lakota light utility helicopter. The group also got some hands-on firefighter training. We ended the training weekend conquering the confidence course. All of the cadets helped make sure everyone made it across all of the obstacles. Thanks to Atterbury Division and Region 095 for inviting us to participate.
Message from a Sea Cadet Alumni Parent
Facebook message from Shannon C, November 17
Hello, I wanted to thank the Kentucky Division for helping to mold my son into a fine Soldier. My son left the Kentucky Division about a year ago. He was PO1 Raymond Causey. He just Graduated from United States Army BCT at Fort Jackson South Carolina. He is currently attending AIT at Fort Jackson. He will be serving in the Kentucky National Guard, 149th MEB in Richmond Kentucky. He is a 42A or Human Resource Specialist. The Sea Cadet Corp is the greatest program I know of for young men and women and I continue to encourage others to join. If you want you can share our story on your Facebook page. Thanks Shannon Causey
Annual Awards Banquet
Ltjg Joe Ryan, November 23
The 2013 Annual Awards Banquet for the Kentucky Division will be held on Saturday, December 7th at the Courtyard Marriot on Newtown Pike from 1400-1600.
Parents and cadets are asked to coordinate food offerings with Ens. Shannon Montgomery.
Addiitionally, the banquet will also hold the Change-of-Command Ceremony as Ltjg Ryan will once again assume command of Kentucky Division beginning January 1st, 2014. Photos will be taken individually of cadets and staff, as well as in a group. Professional photo packages will be available to parents at an affordabl;e price to cover expenses.